Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prop-Pandas in 2011

As far as I know, Pandas aren't very corrupt creatures. If you want to say "stealing" bamboo is in itsellf a crime, I would probably be on the fence about it. I'm not really fond of pandas but they're kind of like Asian, Black , and White all at the same time.

As for propaganda, for prop-pandas, I think it's pretty non-existent. If you are seeking a rea answer to propaganda, I advise you to search else where because I stopped watching the news awhile ago.

Link to propaganda-

Propoganda-  The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.


Black Boi

OMG. I so freakin tired. But I gotta do this because it's kind of late. So y thoughts on Black Boy thus far. Black Boy begins as the young protagonist, Richard is forced to live with this thriving desire called "hunger" from a very early age. Besides killing a kitten and burning his house, this definition of hunger changes throughout the book. As we can all see, Richard's definition of hunger seem to change. Having less to do with attention, Richard seems to be genuinely starving, due to his father's departure from his family. Not only does this force Richard to face his fears, but it also helps Richard grow up and become a man. As the reader sees, Richard doesn't grow up in the typical way that kids his age are accustomed too. Richard is ostracized by the majority of his family due to to his religious views. Richard also meets another adversary in his life that he would experience many times in his life. RACISM. Despite Richard's struggles, he seems be far more independent than others his age. Examples being his desire to have a job and help out his family.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


                       ***There are quite a few "******". Fill them in with your imagination ;)     

       The book, Black Boy. The main character, Richard. Richard may be a typical black kid in his era of time, but right from the get-go we find out 3 very WTF (What The F) pieces of information. He burned down the house, he killed a kitten, and he became a drunkard at 6. Honestly, My first impression of this kid is were you roomates with Brittany Spears or something. Being a screw-up at 6 is pretty impressive, but the fact remains that he is a glutton for attention. All this attention given to the main character seems plain dumb in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, there are jillions of attention whores roaming the Earth today, but as far as I know, they haven't done anything this drastic. I've been able to deduce that Richard is either a very ***** attention whore or he's a masochist. It seems that after his mother and father got divorced, he seemed to stop his LUST for attention (It's about time you little ****).
      In this heavily reputation-influenced world, it is important to be acknowledge by those around you. Your portrayal and rep. is simply based on what kind of person you are and some other superficial things that I don't have a desire to delve into. Attention earned not taken.