Sunday, January 23, 2011

Journal Response #2

This week there were 4 stories that we had to read: On Being A Mexican American, How Being An Immigrant Shaped My Life, On Being An American Journalist, and How It Feels To Be A Colored Me. For the most part, I really liked these stories. Perhaps my favorite was On Being A Mexican American because it demonstrated how ones culture isn't only based on nationality, but also your neighborhood. This story also gives the impression that you can change who you are simply by moving to a different surrounding. On How Being An Immigrant Shaped My Life gives readers of how different it is to be an immigrant, and how immigrants integrated into society. I didn't particularly like On Being An American Journalist because it didn't really help show the theme of "What is an American?" More so, it gave an American view on foreign affairs rather than the opposite. How It Feels To Be A Colored Me symbolizes how it isn't just about race that determines who you are. It's more so about finding who you are as an individual rather than a race. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brother King

We are all aware that Dr. King is a very influential character in the struggle for equality in terms of race. Heck, his birthday is even a holiday. I'm sure that we can all say that the work and dedication that Dr. King has put into his resolve of achieving his cause through nonviolence was extraordinary. He truly has become an ideal model for revolutionaries and other such groups.

Do Dr. King's cause go to waist? It can be safely assumed that it didn't go to waste considering the racial equaity in the United States. His cause may not have gotten through to all though. Despite what happens, there will still be racist and prejudice individuals that judge according to skin. There are still those who think they are superior due to race. Actions to refute such a righteous justice can only be seen as "unjust."

I feel that Dr. King's words have for the most part caused beneficial change. I still think racism is still very much alive though. MLK stood for what many in past saw as an impossible achievement due to our track record of using violence as a means to an end. King's message will never be forgotten. That I can guarantee.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Short Stories....... Say What!

Let's see...... Where can I start? Alright. I got it. This week in American Lit., Mr. McCarthy had had this idea to read about what is essentially Americanism. In the stories so far that we've read, I thoroughly enjoyed Young Gifted & Black. I guess the main reason is because to me it introduced a range of ideas that I found really inspiring. I liked the relations that the author provides the reader about the family set-up and about how her parents taught her very unique and highly distinctive morals. I semi-enjoyed Children of The Sea. I took an interest in the writing style, as well as the fact that it was an excerpt. What I didn't really like was that it seemed somewhat difficult to keep up with what was going on. I Hear America Singing & There Was a Child Went Forth was basically a poem (I think). I really didn't care for it because it just seemed really dumb. The only thing is managed to take from it is that you, as an individual, make your life, and your choices will shape your future. So that's it.  Blah da Blah Blah. I only gots 1 hot pocket left :(