Thursday, September 30, 2010

Proctor- Hero or Chuckles the Silly Piggy?

         In the play, the Crucible, conflict concerning the belief that various characters are witches causes many problems within the book. One such character is John Proctor. Proctor in essence is one of the few people who hasn't lost their mind when it comes to this time of witch hysteria. Honestly I believe that Proctor is a hero. He may have demonstrated characteristics that may not describe a hero, such as cheating on his wife, but he has the most important quality. That quality happens to be bold and righteous ideals. Although it is typical of a hero to fight bad guys and recite cheesey lines that highlight how evil won't ever prevail, Proctor uses his reasoning and listens to his heart.
         When introduced, Proctor seems like a farmer with a strong distaste towards Parris. Eventually, it is revealed that he had an affair with the niece of Parris, Abigail. Soon, his wife, Elizabeth, is accused by Abigail of being a witch. He and Mary Warren testify that Elizabeth is not a witch and further give information on the topic. Not only does Mary support him (for now), but also Corey and many others. As the story continues, the reasoning behind Abigail's accusations against Elizabeth are revealed to be that she wants to steal Proctor away from Elizabeth because she believes that Proctor loves her. Skipping along, Proctor is later found guilty and would be executed for using "witchcraft" upon Mary and the other girls. Proctor is later given the chance to admit that he was "controlled by the Devil" but he later has a realization that he would lose the last thing that made him who he was. His name. Considering all he had left was his name since he admitted in court to having an affair with Abigail, his reputation went down the drain.
            I deem Proctor a hero because no matter what the authority said he did what he thought was right. I also see Proctor as a hero because he oppose Parris, a selfish individual who is attempting to maintain his power by guiding nonsense of witches around the town.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is madness. No way lil Puritan dude. THIS IS GOD!

         In my opinion, I believe that the reading provided the reader with a somewhat manipulated and controlled sense of mine. My belief stems from the fact that God is said to control the individual. This crucial piece of information makes it seem as though God could be a very cunning and possibly diabolical entity due to the fact that he determines your fate, and he can decide whether to rid you from existence or watch you squirm at his whim. Personally, this idea seems outrageous and unimaginable. The thought of my own fate being determined by one individual seems stressful. What more is that you aren't allowed to disagree. If you choose such a course of action, your life won't be spared with even a second thought.
          The poem also demonstrates how power can change a person, and gives a sense of heirachy in the form of a divinve-being capable of causing unfathomable destruction to the world, such as the creation of tsunamiss and other natural disasters. In many ways, the God may be a kind deity who seeks peace and justice, and is willing to use the strengths thou possesses to carry out their ideals. In all aspects, this thing that matters is who this grand ruler is, and the answer to what they seek. If you can get on their good side, you will be spared.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood

         I recall this one specific occassion in which me along with some friends witnessed an interesting form of neighborhood. We were on 26th street and were preparing to go home. As we slowly walked from the mexican inhabited neighborhood, I began to notice that there were less and less mexicans as we journeyed. At one point, the once hispanic based neighborhood resembled my neighborhood, a black neighborhood. As I made note of this, and asked Mauricio if he noticed, and he respoonded with a knowingly "oh yeah. you're right." As this happened, Kate began to tell stories of how her neighborhood turned from a mostly mexican neighborhood to a more diverse society. Recently, as of 2010, asians have invaded.
        This reminds me of when I went to my old school, Owen. Here, about I want to say 90% of the entire school was black. The rest were basically caucasians, mexicans, and the rare asian (usually only one in the entire school). At a point, some of my mexican friends became racist or at least tended to tell jokes usually involving a race besides mexicans. That reminds me that one of my old friends, Adam was the only white guy in are class, well besides jesus in a way. due to the overwhelming black population, I believe that Adam tried to "act black" to try and earn respect and fit in. Yeah that didnt work to well. haha

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Life.....I guess

My name is Jaleel. My birthday is February 16th. I love to play soccer. I enjoy being random and hanging out with my friends. I like to joke around and create awkward acronyms. I have a majority of different names. I enjoy playing video games and taking long and unnecessary naps. My laziness holds me back from true greatness. I have had 2 cats and a hamster. I'm good at most sports but I prefer to stick with soccer. People think that I should join the track team because I can run and jump really high, but I don't want to because I don't care about all.

I'm actually a very shy person, but I try not to show it. I enjoy making new friends. If I don't talk to you it's either because I don't like you, i don't know you, or I secretly like you. I'm usually in jubilant mood, but I'll get really mad if you purposely try to instigate. Ironically enough, I like to instigate to see how people will react.

If you have a facebook, I'm one of the few people that won't add you if I don't know you. Then again, I've known people, but refused to add them because I don't like them. The hardest thing that I've ever had to do was probably write pages upon pages for biology. People think I'm smart, even though I don't really think so. I was my class's Valedictorian (no big deal). I'm constantly stressed out, whether it be relevant or frivolous.