Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood

         I recall this one specific occassion in which me along with some friends witnessed an interesting form of neighborhood. We were on 26th street and were preparing to go home. As we slowly walked from the mexican inhabited neighborhood, I began to notice that there were less and less mexicans as we journeyed. At one point, the once hispanic based neighborhood resembled my neighborhood, a black neighborhood. As I made note of this, and asked Mauricio if he noticed, and he respoonded with a knowingly "oh yeah. you're right." As this happened, Kate began to tell stories of how her neighborhood turned from a mostly mexican neighborhood to a more diverse society. Recently, as of 2010, asians have invaded.
        This reminds me of when I went to my old school, Owen. Here, about I want to say 90% of the entire school was black. The rest were basically caucasians, mexicans, and the rare asian (usually only one in the entire school). At a point, some of my mexican friends became racist or at least tended to tell jokes usually involving a race besides mexicans. That reminds me that one of my old friends, Adam was the only white guy in are class, well besides jesus in a way. due to the overwhelming black population, I believe that Adam tried to "act black" to try and earn respect and fit in. Yeah that didnt work to well. haha

1 comment:

  1. tehe mentioned !! =p
    but yea anyway i remember lmao. yea... i agree. idek... blah.
