Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Life.....I guess

My name is Jaleel. My birthday is February 16th. I love to play soccer. I enjoy being random and hanging out with my friends. I like to joke around and create awkward acronyms. I have a majority of different names. I enjoy playing video games and taking long and unnecessary naps. My laziness holds me back from true greatness. I have had 2 cats and a hamster. I'm good at most sports but I prefer to stick with soccer. People think that I should join the track team because I can run and jump really high, but I don't want to because I don't care about all.

I'm actually a very shy person, but I try not to show it. I enjoy making new friends. If I don't talk to you it's either because I don't like you, i don't know you, or I secretly like you. I'm usually in jubilant mood, but I'll get really mad if you purposely try to instigate. Ironically enough, I like to instigate to see how people will react.

If you have a facebook, I'm one of the few people that won't add you if I don't know you. Then again, I've known people, but refused to add them because I don't like them. The hardest thing that I've ever had to do was probably write pages upon pages for biology. People think I'm smart, even though I don't really think so. I was my class's Valedictorian (no big deal). I'm constantly stressed out, whether it be relevant or frivolous.


  1. oooh jaleel, you and your nicknames..
    why didn't you try out for soccer again?

  2. I didn't feel like committing to a team. I guess there's next year though
