Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Love of the Game

Fútbol, better known as soccer in America, is the world's most popular sport. For me, fútbol is a passion. I love fútbol, and I just love playing whenever I can find the time. Lately though, my love of the game just hasn’t been there while I played, and I only feel empty and without a purpose. Recently, I had the opportunity to play to play at Durkin Park with a few friends. More than anything, I wanted to find my resolve and that love of the game that kept me coming back.
        As I left my house around 4:30, the curiosity of how this fútbol game would be any different from the others struck me. I hoped that it would be an enjoyable game, similar to the ones in the summer. After arriving a few minutes late to Durkin Park, I found that the teams for the game had not even been chosen. As I waited in anticipation for the game to commence, I chatted with my friend Omar about what would happen with the game. Soon enough Jorge, another friend, showed up, and teams were quickly formed. Moments before the game started, I was asked what position I was interested in playing, and I responded "defense," despite playing a position more along the lines of defensive mid within all the games that we played.
       The game was off to a fairly one-sided start as my team managed to score a goal after about a minute in a half. During that time, I was watching how each player moved to make sure I could keep up. Fortunately for me, I not only managed to keep up, but I also managed to win pretty much every challenge for the ball. Mid-way through the game, my team was still winning by a fairly large margin, 10-5. The perfection of the weather only further got me into the game's intensity. The only problem was that the soles of my feet have had been aching since I left the house. Seeing an offensive player trying to find a chance, I intercepted the pass and took the offensive, hoping to score a goal solely through taking everyone on. With my sudden possession I controlled the ball with a series of unpredictable touches to confuse anyone who attempted to pose a challenge. In the end, I scored a crushing and unbelievable goal after taking on four players. After that goal, we made new teams.
      This time I wasn't really able to run because the previous 1hr 1/2 game took its toll on my feet. I was still maintained satisfactory play, but I lost what I considered most important. Composure. I reacted instinctively instead of watching what the opposition wanted to throw my way. I believe that we lost that game. I guess because everyone did not want to go home, we played another game: Barcelona versus Real Madrid. At first I thought this was a good idea, but when I saw who exactly was on the other team, it was a complete mismatch. The only real players that knew how to play fútbol were Jorge, Juan, and me. The other team had around 5 people that were pretty good. The worst part about everything that happened was that Omar scored 4 of their 5 goals, which really says something about our defense when you consider that at pretty much all times, I was guarding at least 2 people. To add to the embarrassment, they had less players on their to begin with. At the end of the game, Omar bragged about how he got a hat-trick but I reminded him of how Jorge stole one of his goals.  As predicted, he insisted that it was in before Jorge touched it, but both Jorge and I knew that Jorge scored. I really did not care if Omar got a hat-trick because the team he had set him up for just about all the goals that he even scored. All that mattered was that I scored. I then realized that I found my reason for loving fútbol. My reason being for the purpose is to have fun, and meet friends that share my love of the game.
       Once I realized this, I felt an urge to get better not just for my own self-gain, but so I can meet other talented players. As the time approached 7:30, I finally left Durkin Park satisfied and fulfilled that I had recovered my resolve. More determined than ever, I swore that I would practice and develop to achieve all my motives that encompass my passion, no matter what it takes.

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