Saturday, May 14, 2011

I got that Sanity

The Tell-Tale is about a so-called sane narrator having the murderous desire to kill this old man because of his evil eye. Now on to the analysis. I believe the evil eye could refer to how within another person's human eyes, you can see yourself. I have been able to deduce that maybe the eye represented in reflection of the narrators level of sanity. He may have chosen to kill the old man because the blue vulture looking eyes of the old man may have thought that the old man was going to kill him. Taking the initiative, the narrator sought to kill the old man. As I stated early, the eyes of the old man probably portrayed how the narrator was losing their sanity with each passing day.
  The beating heart was most likely a sign of the guilt that the man felt for killing the old man. The beating could have even been the narrator's own heart, seeing as it isn't possible for a heart to still be beating after one's body has been dissesembled. With this in mind, I feel that the narrator earlier explains his heightened senses as a way to deny his own further drop in to insanity. From what we can tell, the narrator and the old man seem to know each other, and are probably neighbors or have a servant & master kind of relationship. In conclusion, the narrator is insane, and needs to be rehab.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Love of the Game

Fútbol, better known as soccer in America, is the world's most popular sport. For me, fútbol is a passion. I love fútbol, and I just love playing whenever I can find the time. Lately though, my love of the game just hasn’t been there while I played, and I only feel empty and without a purpose. Recently, I had the opportunity to play to play at Durkin Park with a few friends. More than anything, I wanted to find my resolve and that love of the game that kept me coming back.
        As I left my house around 4:30, the curiosity of how this fútbol game would be any different from the others struck me. I hoped that it would be an enjoyable game, similar to the ones in the summer. After arriving a few minutes late to Durkin Park, I found that the teams for the game had not even been chosen. As I waited in anticipation for the game to commence, I chatted with my friend Omar about what would happen with the game. Soon enough Jorge, another friend, showed up, and teams were quickly formed. Moments before the game started, I was asked what position I was interested in playing, and I responded "defense," despite playing a position more along the lines of defensive mid within all the games that we played.
       The game was off to a fairly one-sided start as my team managed to score a goal after about a minute in a half. During that time, I was watching how each player moved to make sure I could keep up. Fortunately for me, I not only managed to keep up, but I also managed to win pretty much every challenge for the ball. Mid-way through the game, my team was still winning by a fairly large margin, 10-5. The perfection of the weather only further got me into the game's intensity. The only problem was that the soles of my feet have had been aching since I left the house. Seeing an offensive player trying to find a chance, I intercepted the pass and took the offensive, hoping to score a goal solely through taking everyone on. With my sudden possession I controlled the ball with a series of unpredictable touches to confuse anyone who attempted to pose a challenge. In the end, I scored a crushing and unbelievable goal after taking on four players. After that goal, we made new teams.
      This time I wasn't really able to run because the previous 1hr 1/2 game took its toll on my feet. I was still maintained satisfactory play, but I lost what I considered most important. Composure. I reacted instinctively instead of watching what the opposition wanted to throw my way. I believe that we lost that game. I guess because everyone did not want to go home, we played another game: Barcelona versus Real Madrid. At first I thought this was a good idea, but when I saw who exactly was on the other team, it was a complete mismatch. The only real players that knew how to play fútbol were Jorge, Juan, and me. The other team had around 5 people that were pretty good. The worst part about everything that happened was that Omar scored 4 of their 5 goals, which really says something about our defense when you consider that at pretty much all times, I was guarding at least 2 people. To add to the embarrassment, they had less players on their to begin with. At the end of the game, Omar bragged about how he got a hat-trick but I reminded him of how Jorge stole one of his goals.  As predicted, he insisted that it was in before Jorge touched it, but both Jorge and I knew that Jorge scored. I really did not care if Omar got a hat-trick because the team he had set him up for just about all the goals that he even scored. All that mattered was that I scored. I then realized that I found my reason for loving fútbol. My reason being for the purpose is to have fun, and meet friends that share my love of the game.
       Once I realized this, I felt an urge to get better not just for my own self-gain, but so I can meet other talented players. As the time approached 7:30, I finally left Durkin Park satisfied and fulfilled that I had recovered my resolve. More determined than ever, I swore that I would practice and develop to achieve all my motives that encompass my passion, no matter what it takes.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Short Story done at 11

As, Kaka sat in the confounds of his living room and ate his pizza, the futbol (soccer) game commenced between Manchester United and Real Madrid. The pizza happened to be a meat lover's pizza, covered in pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and pork. Beside Kaka was a plate of tomales for whenever he got hungry. The decorations around his home were as they normally were during late April. In the meantime, his mother, a light-skinned 5'7" full figured woman named Allison, was on her way to pick up supplies for a barbaque. At the moment, Kaka's brother, Xabi is messing with the pet rabbit, Mr. Herriman. Mr. Herriman enjoys a rather odd arrangement of foods ranging from twiz bars to fried chicken. In particular, he isn't very fond of carrots. As Kaka watches the intense futbol match, his cousins Greg, Hannah, David, and Vivi divert Kaka's attention from the game. Once they caught eye of the game, the four of them joined their cousin watching the futbol game, as Real Madrid steals possession, and commences with an offense assault from Higuain, Ronaldo, and Pedro Leon.

      While this is going on, Kaka's father Juan is just getting out of work. As he returns to the outdoors on his return home, he notices that it is a splendid sunny day. The sun is glistening and the sunlight and seems only to further support Juan's naturally good mood. Remembering that he was watching the futbol game before he left work, he rushes home to catch a few remnants of the last few minutes. With Juan's return, he manages to witness a draw between the two opposing teams through a last second goal from Real Madrid's Higuain. With the game over, the time is 4:30, and guests for the barbaque are arriving in massive waves. Seeing this being an ideal time to get started with the cooking, Juan starts to grill all of the meats, while Allison crafts a fruit salad and normal salad, and puts the finishing touches on the cleaning.  Kaka manages to get Vivi, David, Hannah, Greg, and Xabi to go to the park to play futbol. Within an hour, the children all return, tired and musty. With their return, they joined the other guests after retrieving a bite to eat.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

An Attempt at a Laugh

Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss,
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked,
Cause what you don't understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same

No, no, no, no
Black, black, black and blue beat me till I'm numb
Tell the devil I said “hey” when you get back to where you're from
Mad woman, bad woman,
That's just what you are, yeah,
You’ll smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire, ooh
You’ d watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me you're a liar
Cause you never, ever, ever did baby...
But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same.
No, you won’t do the same,
You wouldn’t do the same,
Ooh, you’ll never do the same,
No, no, no, no

In my first reading of the lyrics, I immediately thought "you're gonna look messed up after that grenade goes off." When I bothered to think about it,  I started to think maybe each of the ways that he'd sacrifice himself had something to do with an event from the past, but then I thought "this is Bruno Mars," causing  me to give up the idea. My interpretation was that Bruno Mars would do anything for you. The lyrics suggest that this is a romantic relationship. He probably got dumped, and has spent his time thinking about getting hit by a train in a music video. But really. My guess is that Mars is lovesick, and the case seems to only be one-sided. This could have occurred on Valentine's Day because it seems like he is buying her gifts, and Valentine's Day is a day to spoil your sweethearts (when exactly is sweetest day so I can expect to be spoiled?). In short. Maybe a divorce possibly. Most likely one lacking love.

* I'll probably redo this blog
**  Subscribed

Friday, April 1, 2011

"Ay Victor"

Life on the reservation seemed rather "over-populated" in the movie (extreme case of sarcasm). You saw the traffic. I would just lose it if I had to wait that long to get where i wanted. Life on the reservation in general seems to only be a place where solely oppressed Native Americans lived. Apparently they ate a lot of pan (spanish for bread). They even enjoyed growing their hair out so you couldn't figure out whether they were a guy or a female. What else..... They seemed to also inherit.......... interesting traits (Ex: Thomas's smile).

According to Montana 1948, the Indians were quiet, and "dominated" by the "white man" (2 meanings to this: 1 school appropriate. The other not so much). The Indians represented the poor inhabitants of society, as well as the group with the weakest representation. In both situations, the Native Americans had to work with the materials they had. In addition, they possessed strong ties to one another.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prop-Pandas in 2011

As far as I know, Pandas aren't very corrupt creatures. If you want to say "stealing" bamboo is in itsellf a crime, I would probably be on the fence about it. I'm not really fond of pandas but they're kind of like Asian, Black , and White all at the same time.

As for propaganda, for prop-pandas, I think it's pretty non-existent. If you are seeking a rea answer to propaganda, I advise you to search else where because I stopped watching the news awhile ago.

Link to propaganda-

Propoganda-  The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.


Black Boi

OMG. I so freakin tired. But I gotta do this because it's kind of late. So y thoughts on Black Boy thus far. Black Boy begins as the young protagonist, Richard is forced to live with this thriving desire called "hunger" from a very early age. Besides killing a kitten and burning his house, this definition of hunger changes throughout the book. As we can all see, Richard's definition of hunger seem to change. Having less to do with attention, Richard seems to be genuinely starving, due to his father's departure from his family. Not only does this force Richard to face his fears, but it also helps Richard grow up and become a man. As the reader sees, Richard doesn't grow up in the typical way that kids his age are accustomed too. Richard is ostracized by the majority of his family due to to his religious views. Richard also meets another adversary in his life that he would experience many times in his life. RACISM. Despite Richard's struggles, he seems be far more independent than others his age. Examples being his desire to have a job and help out his family.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


                       ***There are quite a few "******". Fill them in with your imagination ;)     

       The book, Black Boy. The main character, Richard. Richard may be a typical black kid in his era of time, but right from the get-go we find out 3 very WTF (What The F) pieces of information. He burned down the house, he killed a kitten, and he became a drunkard at 6. Honestly, My first impression of this kid is were you roomates with Brittany Spears or something. Being a screw-up at 6 is pretty impressive, but the fact remains that he is a glutton for attention. All this attention given to the main character seems plain dumb in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, there are jillions of attention whores roaming the Earth today, but as far as I know, they haven't done anything this drastic. I've been able to deduce that Richard is either a very ***** attention whore or he's a masochist. It seems that after his mother and father got divorced, he seemed to stop his LUST for attention (It's about time you little ****).
      In this heavily reputation-influenced world, it is important to be acknowledge by those around you. Your portrayal and rep. is simply based on what kind of person you are and some other superficial things that I don't have a desire to delve into. Attention earned not taken.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Journal Response #2

This week there were 4 stories that we had to read: On Being A Mexican American, How Being An Immigrant Shaped My Life, On Being An American Journalist, and How It Feels To Be A Colored Me. For the most part, I really liked these stories. Perhaps my favorite was On Being A Mexican American because it demonstrated how ones culture isn't only based on nationality, but also your neighborhood. This story also gives the impression that you can change who you are simply by moving to a different surrounding. On How Being An Immigrant Shaped My Life gives readers of how different it is to be an immigrant, and how immigrants integrated into society. I didn't particularly like On Being An American Journalist because it didn't really help show the theme of "What is an American?" More so, it gave an American view on foreign affairs rather than the opposite. How It Feels To Be A Colored Me symbolizes how it isn't just about race that determines who you are. It's more so about finding who you are as an individual rather than a race. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brother King

We are all aware that Dr. King is a very influential character in the struggle for equality in terms of race. Heck, his birthday is even a holiday. I'm sure that we can all say that the work and dedication that Dr. King has put into his resolve of achieving his cause through nonviolence was extraordinary. He truly has become an ideal model for revolutionaries and other such groups.

Do Dr. King's cause go to waist? It can be safely assumed that it didn't go to waste considering the racial equaity in the United States. His cause may not have gotten through to all though. Despite what happens, there will still be racist and prejudice individuals that judge according to skin. There are still those who think they are superior due to race. Actions to refute such a righteous justice can only be seen as "unjust."

I feel that Dr. King's words have for the most part caused beneficial change. I still think racism is still very much alive though. MLK stood for what many in past saw as an impossible achievement due to our track record of using violence as a means to an end. King's message will never be forgotten. That I can guarantee.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Short Stories....... Say What!

Let's see...... Where can I start? Alright. I got it. This week in American Lit., Mr. McCarthy had had this idea to read about what is essentially Americanism. In the stories so far that we've read, I thoroughly enjoyed Young Gifted & Black. I guess the main reason is because to me it introduced a range of ideas that I found really inspiring. I liked the relations that the author provides the reader about the family set-up and about how her parents taught her very unique and highly distinctive morals. I semi-enjoyed Children of The Sea. I took an interest in the writing style, as well as the fact that it was an excerpt. What I didn't really like was that it seemed somewhat difficult to keep up with what was going on. I Hear America Singing & There Was a Child Went Forth was basically a poem (I think). I really didn't care for it because it just seemed really dumb. The only thing is managed to take from it is that you, as an individual, make your life, and your choices will shape your future. So that's it.  Blah da Blah Blah. I only gots 1 hot pocket left :(