Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving's & The Dislikes of my life

        Alright. I guess I'll give this a shot. On Thanksgiving, we acknowledge all of the various things in our lives that we're thankful for, and then kind of overeat and end up in the hospital. However, you miraculously recover on Sunday, without your homework being done at 8:30 p.m. This Thanksgiving, I only had rolls, cornbread, some weird rice, pumpkin pie, water, cereal, and popcorn in that order.
        I guess I should start this rant. I'm thankful for my family, friends, food, games, a shelter, my clothes, los comales, Sharks, soccer, school (only on Fridays), and other stuff that doesn't need to be mentioned. I guess that's it for whatever that just was.
        Now to the better section of this blog. THINGS I OUGHT TO BE THANKFUL FOR.  There are quite a few things that I take for granted, and don't see why I should be thankful for at all. The majority of these tend to be people. For example, my friend whose name starts with a K and whose last name rhymes with Fartin was all thirsty so they asked the cashier for some water because she was being dumb and let the cashier at subway charge her $9.99 for one sub. So they're like you can't get it free water unless you are a customer. Taking advantage of the fact that I ordered something, they asked me to get them some free water, and I know that the cashier was pissed because when I asked her I saw her angry cashier SWAG, and was like "Why?"
       Another example of my not-so-thankfulness is my brother. He irks me at every turn. And he always calls me an ostrich, and says that I squack. Besides that, he enjoys breaking into my room without permission, sitting on my bed, breathing my air, eating food that he shouldn't be eating, and wearing my shirts, and basically anything else you can think of. He's a really sore loser tambien.
       What I really hate are people who put ice in your cups. The reason this really bugs me is because people keep trying to act smart and fill your cup of with ice when I don't even want any ice. Then you take like 3 sips, and it's gone. That's just not nice yo.
       I really dislike waitresses too. They always want you to buy there food. I don;t want your food. I told you what I want. I don;t want any freakin chicken nuggets. No I don't want dessert. LEAVE ME ALONE! Gosh. Back off my table homes. I really dislike it when people run out of something. For example, last week my friends and I went to McDonalds, so I order my Southern Style CHicken Sandwich meal thing and then I want a McFlurry because I've never had one and I keep bugging this chick in another state to get me one, but she hasn't. When I ask they say "sorry we're sold out." So I put on this expression that says I'm going to bite the crap out of you. It's more annoying when you order something on the menu that you really want, and then they say that it has been discontinued. I dislike bug, trifling chicks, annoying people in general, any form of work except sports, the elderly, hippies, extremely happy people, stories with no plots or are just boring to read, any book without a movie, vegetables, hockey, SWAGger jackers, McNuggets, swimming, world studies' books, waitresses, carrots, stupid games, crazy animals, babies, Vivi when she doesn't let me see her phone, and the people at subway that don;t heat your food just because you don't say that you wanted it toasted when you clearly and obviously do.
        AS you can tell, I don;t like a lot of things. There definitely are a lot more things that I don't like  than actually appreciate. I think the problem is because I don't like a lot of people because I can.

1 comment:

  1. This is about they people you are not thankful for. I also like how you said your brother breathes your air.
