Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankful for redone

       There are a vast majority things that I am thankful for, but there are probably far more things that I am NOT thankful for. Due to the title of the Blog, I will have to redo this blog because I simply listed everything that I disliked within my last blog so try your best to endure this arduous tale.
       If I had to be thankful for one person in the class, it'd have to be................ I have no idea. I'll just same that I'm thankful for everyone because I talk to about half of the class, and I don't see how I could really put one particular character on a higher pedestal. For this reason, I will say that I'm thankful for those people that I talk to. I am thankful for Justin (that's not even your real name) for being cool during American Lit & Chemistry. I'm thankful for Lina for being Lina (idk). I'm thankful for Miles for helping me understand the reading & for playing soccer with me & my mexicans haha. I'm thankful for Brittany despite the fact that she doesn't help me in Spanish or Trig because she's SELFISH! I'm thankful for Berenice for being sum1 I culd always make laugh, and share our hatred towards our old Survey Lit teacher. Being thankful is a lot of work so I'm gonna end it here


  1. Your first Thankful For blog was very... thorough. The funniest part was the one about your brother stealing your air. And for this blog: go soccer & mexicans!

  2. This blog is about the people you ARE thankful for but I still liked the blog where it was about the people you AREN'T thankful for better.
