Thursday, November 4, 2010


(If you are Mr. McCarthy, you may want to NOT READ THIS BLOG because I really went off topic so yeah)   

* WARNING: This blog introduces some careers that may not be suitable for younger readers.

For starters, I don't like the subject of slavery because *cough* I'm black *cough*. But since I must, I might as well. Slaves are essentially property that fullfill whatever their owner wants them to do (tends not to be sexual in any way but whatever). Is slavery alive? Probably. Do I support it? Maybe. Who am I? That black guy.
      I think the original form of slaver is dead & gone (like the song), but still exists in other forms. One such case is, SCHOOL! Is it just me or are we forced to obey and respect the staff even if they honestly don;t deserve it (directed towards someone whose name rhymes with Coach Blankin). We have to suffer day in and day out of relentless periods of learning. Unless you have a teacher like, say, Mr. McCarthy, the idea of going to class seems barf-worthy like finding a long thick black hair in your soup. I feel as though school would be amazing if we could be with friends while not having to listen and obey teachers. Rarely do I find really awesome teachers. I have only had about 10 cool teachers in my life so far.........period wait if I say period wouldn't it end- SCREW IT! All that matters that school is a bit better than the Holocaust because you kind of don't die and you get to go home.
      You know what really grinds my gears, chores and nagging parents that yell. Last time I checked, slave owners never yell at their slaves, but they sort do the whippy whip thing. I'm personally a person who feels pain on the inside so words hurt way more than a innocuous blow. I really like it when your parents go like you don't do this & that & whatever ellse comes into their head to try to make you feel bad. I remember my dad was like you don't blah & blah & pay the bills. What the heck heffa? You're the adult. Dude I don;t even have a job. So yeah.
       According to black people around the world, slavery is wrong. I don't really see how they of all people are saying that. Living a pimp lifestyle sure doesn't mean you work alone. You get them "ladies" to do the work. You take the money, and decide to help them or not. It's like having a cute little chiuaua to show off to the ladies & when you get home you lock it in a refrigerator or something.
       Here's your short little climax. Slavery is alive, except it's more so encourage as you mature. Celebrities can also be seen as slaves at times too. Yeah, you're probably thinking to their fans to get hit singles. But I'm thinking more like Rihanna. For the rest of her life, everyone will be saying "dang dog you got Chris Brown'd" (at least I will). Moral of the story everyone is a slave at one point or another.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA! Your blog is so funny. I really like how you mix jokes and humor in with the really important ideas and the points you are trying to convey. It helps the entry flow a lot better and makes it a lot easier to read. I just might read you blog a little more often...just maybe ha :)

  2. jaleel, i had NOOOO idea. I feel like i've seen a different side of you! This is kinda funny but in really weird ways. Keep up the good blogs
