Friday, December 17, 2010

Music Review

Before I begin, let me start by saying that I will NOT being doing a review of Juston Beiber or any Disney Channel kid hero. *Reader discretion is advised*

       You know that song "I Like It?" Well I like it, and that's why my music review is on Enrique Iglesias. A little while ago, I had no idea who this character was, but "I Like It" was one of my favorite songs. So I typed in "I Like It" on youtube. TO my blatant surprise, I found that he was the actual singer. So as I listened to the song, I found myself very curious about this character, so I checked out some more of his songs. The thing I like about his songs are that they all have a really appealing beat in my opinion. His songs just make you want to start dancing. Other notable songs of this artists are Hero, Can You Hear Me?, and Alguien Soy Yo. I really appreciate how all of his songs are different, but they make you feel excited and energetic.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay & Nick

Question: Is Jay using Nick? What is the basis of their friendship?

Okay for starters, it is initially perceived that Jay is in fact a really cool guy. What we know is that he fought in the army, and is currently a very wealthy man. NIck also fought in the war, and is now Jay's next door neighbor. As we can tell by their first direct encounter, they seemed to get along, and even develop a sort of friendship. It becomes interesting because later on, Gatsby real intention for befriending Nick were due to his obsession with Daisy. When he heard of Nick's relation to the "apple of his eye," he saw an opportunity to try and meet her once again. This sort of desperation is even evident in his parties. His parties basically work like this. He has a random party, and he lets in complete strangers. His hope in this plan was that one day Daisy would happen to drop in. Unfortunately, this kind of miracle hadn't occurred (yet). Upon explaining to Nick his obsession with Daisy, he wants Nick to call her over, so he could win her over.

Nick and Jay. Although Jay somewhat uses Nick, it is obvious that he considers Nick to be close to him. Often before taking any sort of action, Gatsby is seen asking of Nick's opinion. Maybe this could be perhaps because of Nick's "political" behavioral patterns or perhaps his astuteness. The same could be said about Nick caring for Gatsby. When Nick realized he hadn't seen Gatsby in awhile, he pays a visit to his home to see whether he is alright. (I am so freaking tired)  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

An original mediocre poem By: Mwah

Christmas Poem

It December freezing and cold
I just need a nice toasty friend to hold.
It'd be nice if didn't have to go
Or maybe I should grow a nice ol' afro.
No more soccer with kool friends
Because of the stupid weather, it ends.
Oh snap no more going-out to eat
Dang mane look at my feet.
Always snowing, always white
I puke at the freezing site.
Snow is kool to look at
But not as kool as a rat.
I have to wear heavy winter jackets
And even work on these winter-break packets.
Can't wait til Christmas. It'll be great
Still it is the snow that I hate.
Christmas and my tree
Are all I wanna see.
Christmas food is what I want.
Do a ridiculous dance and I'll taunt.
A golden snowflake sitting in the wing.
I'll get it because I'm the King.
Christmas carols and fruit cakes
Presents apparels forgiveness sakes.
I wish you a merry holiday
Is all this dude has to say.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankful for redone

       There are a vast majority things that I am thankful for, but there are probably far more things that I am NOT thankful for. Due to the title of the Blog, I will have to redo this blog because I simply listed everything that I disliked within my last blog so try your best to endure this arduous tale.
       If I had to be thankful for one person in the class, it'd have to be................ I have no idea. I'll just same that I'm thankful for everyone because I talk to about half of the class, and I don't see how I could really put one particular character on a higher pedestal. For this reason, I will say that I'm thankful for those people that I talk to. I am thankful for Justin (that's not even your real name) for being cool during American Lit & Chemistry. I'm thankful for Lina for being Lina (idk). I'm thankful for Miles for helping me understand the reading & for playing soccer with me & my mexicans haha. I'm thankful for Brittany despite the fact that she doesn't help me in Spanish or Trig because she's SELFISH! I'm thankful for Berenice for being sum1 I culd always make laugh, and share our hatred towards our old Survey Lit teacher. Being thankful is a lot of work so I'm gonna end it here

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving's & The Dislikes of my life

        Alright. I guess I'll give this a shot. On Thanksgiving, we acknowledge all of the various things in our lives that we're thankful for, and then kind of overeat and end up in the hospital. However, you miraculously recover on Sunday, without your homework being done at 8:30 p.m. This Thanksgiving, I only had rolls, cornbread, some weird rice, pumpkin pie, water, cereal, and popcorn in that order.
        I guess I should start this rant. I'm thankful for my family, friends, food, games, a shelter, my clothes, los comales, Sharks, soccer, school (only on Fridays), and other stuff that doesn't need to be mentioned. I guess that's it for whatever that just was.
        Now to the better section of this blog. THINGS I OUGHT TO BE THANKFUL FOR.  There are quite a few things that I take for granted, and don't see why I should be thankful for at all. The majority of these tend to be people. For example, my friend whose name starts with a K and whose last name rhymes with Fartin was all thirsty so they asked the cashier for some water because she was being dumb and let the cashier at subway charge her $9.99 for one sub. So they're like you can't get it free water unless you are a customer. Taking advantage of the fact that I ordered something, they asked me to get them some free water, and I know that the cashier was pissed because when I asked her I saw her angry cashier SWAG, and was like "Why?"
       Another example of my not-so-thankfulness is my brother. He irks me at every turn. And he always calls me an ostrich, and says that I squack. Besides that, he enjoys breaking into my room without permission, sitting on my bed, breathing my air, eating food that he shouldn't be eating, and wearing my shirts, and basically anything else you can think of. He's a really sore loser tambien.
       What I really hate are people who put ice in your cups. The reason this really bugs me is because people keep trying to act smart and fill your cup of with ice when I don't even want any ice. Then you take like 3 sips, and it's gone. That's just not nice yo.
       I really dislike waitresses too. They always want you to buy there food. I don;t want your food. I told you what I want. I don;t want any freakin chicken nuggets. No I don't want dessert. LEAVE ME ALONE! Gosh. Back off my table homes. I really dislike it when people run out of something. For example, last week my friends and I went to McDonalds, so I order my Southern Style CHicken Sandwich meal thing and then I want a McFlurry because I've never had one and I keep bugging this chick in another state to get me one, but she hasn't. When I ask they say "sorry we're sold out." So I put on this expression that says I'm going to bite the crap out of you. It's more annoying when you order something on the menu that you really want, and then they say that it has been discontinued. I dislike bug, trifling chicks, annoying people in general, any form of work except sports, the elderly, hippies, extremely happy people, stories with no plots or are just boring to read, any book without a movie, vegetables, hockey, SWAGger jackers, McNuggets, swimming, world studies' books, waitresses, carrots, stupid games, crazy animals, babies, Vivi when she doesn't let me see her phone, and the people at subway that don;t heat your food just because you don't say that you wanted it toasted when you clearly and obviously do.
        AS you can tell, I don;t like a lot of things. There definitely are a lot more things that I don't like  than actually appreciate. I think the problem is because I don't like a lot of people because I can.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life as a Prost-------Plow

Ok, I found out about this at the last minute, so I don't want any criticism.

     I don't really know what a plow is, but I'll wing it. A plow is some tool used in the moving of the soil for sowing. If I were a plow, I'd be a very dirty plow because I'd probably be all overworked and stressed out about when I would get washed and shtuffs. I wouldn't really like being a plow because I have a feeling I'd be one of the unlucky ones that has to be used at 5 a.m until 10 p.m. Ideally, I would prefer to be a tractor because they go vrooom vroooom everywhere. I feel like if I happened to be a plow, I would be on a show liike Bob the Builder except it won't get any views because people, such as myself don't know gardening techniques.
       As a plow, I would have a lot of BIG dreams like not being used or maybe being lost or something because work is not my forte. My motto is "the best work is no work." I believe in hard-work paying off, but why should I care if I'm a plow. Just sayin. According to my knowledgeable farm equipment influenced common sense, as a plow, I don't get to sit at the table for supper. That's just messed up. Work me like a hebrew slave, and don't feed me. I got you. Being such a useful but pretty much unknown tool would either grant me vast popularity with my fellow hosehold utensils (I can be used in the stead of a fork :] ) or I woud be seen with an unparalleled enmity by my fellow cotton picker-----I mean tools *cough* *cough*.
      Moral of this story, who uses plows anymore!

*Post After learning what a plow is

       Well now I know what a plow is. If I were a plow, I would feel angry at the world because I hate snow, and they would have me out there everyday on that serene abomination. I feel like plows wouldn't be needed if people could fly. That way, I'd be a Chimera or some super crazy phoenix and we would all be happy. Chimeras are lion, goat, snake trhings, but I'd be so awesome that I'd be part eagle. I would definitely be just NASTY (NASTY meaning beasty meaning crazy awesome).
       I feel like this blog wasn't supposed to be about soul animals, but it got there. Is this a good thing. HECK YEAH!
      Moral of this short add-on, plows got nothin on Chimeras!...............or Phoenixes or Phoenixes or whatever. :]

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How's American Lit.? It's pretty crackin mane

      I really enjoy the overall atmosphere of my American Literature class. I do some complaints, but I really do take pleasure in going to this class. I personally like reading the books and doing the blogs. I think the blogs are a good way to express our opinions. I really like silent reading days and watching movies(Pelada was amazing). What else can I say? Oh yeah. I like the fact that we, as a class, partake in deeper analytical breakdown of a lot of controversial subjects.
      Well even though I really like the class, there are some things that I would want to eliminate. The first on this list would be taking notes on what we read. I just see it as a bother because for me to enjoy the book, I don't want to take notes every few minutes because it makes me lose my attention on the book. I know that it is for future reference, but I would prefer to abadon the system. Next are the kinds of books we read. I didn't have a problem reading the Crucible but The House of the Seven Gables is really boring. The story constantly goes off track with various descriptions that only serve to make the situation at hand more confusing. Finally, I would like to never use the textbook ever because it's really heavy and doesn't really seem to be important. I feel that a period of discussion would prove to be more effective.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


(If you are Mr. McCarthy, you may want to NOT READ THIS BLOG because I really went off topic so yeah)   

* WARNING: This blog introduces some careers that may not be suitable for younger readers.

For starters, I don't like the subject of slavery because *cough* I'm black *cough*. But since I must, I might as well. Slaves are essentially property that fullfill whatever their owner wants them to do (tends not to be sexual in any way but whatever). Is slavery alive? Probably. Do I support it? Maybe. Who am I? That black guy.
      I think the original form of slaver is dead & gone (like the song), but still exists in other forms. One such case is, SCHOOL! Is it just me or are we forced to obey and respect the staff even if they honestly don;t deserve it (directed towards someone whose name rhymes with Coach Blankin). We have to suffer day in and day out of relentless periods of learning. Unless you have a teacher like, say, Mr. McCarthy, the idea of going to class seems barf-worthy like finding a long thick black hair in your soup. I feel as though school would be amazing if we could be with friends while not having to listen and obey teachers. Rarely do I find really awesome teachers. I have only had about 10 cool teachers in my life so far.........period wait if I say period wouldn't it end- SCREW IT! All that matters that school is a bit better than the Holocaust because you kind of don't die and you get to go home.
      You know what really grinds my gears, chores and nagging parents that yell. Last time I checked, slave owners never yell at their slaves, but they sort do the whippy whip thing. I'm personally a person who feels pain on the inside so words hurt way more than a innocuous blow. I really like it when your parents go like you don't do this & that & whatever ellse comes into their head to try to make you feel bad. I remember my dad was like you don't blah & blah & pay the bills. What the heck heffa? You're the adult. Dude I don;t even have a job. So yeah.
       According to black people around the world, slavery is wrong. I don't really see how they of all people are saying that. Living a pimp lifestyle sure doesn't mean you work alone. You get them "ladies" to do the work. You take the money, and decide to help them or not. It's like having a cute little chiuaua to show off to the ladies & when you get home you lock it in a refrigerator or something.
       Here's your short little climax. Slavery is alive, except it's more so encourage as you mature. Celebrities can also be seen as slaves at times too. Yeah, you're probably thinking to their fans to get hit singles. But I'm thinking more like Rihanna. For the rest of her life, everyone will be saying "dang dog you got Chris Brown'd" (at least I will). Moral of the story everyone is a slave at one point or another.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The House of The Seven Gables. Hmmmmmm Anything interesting?

Firstly, I find it interesting that this story is classified as nonfiction, and is, in fact, a real account. This I find interesting because there is a touring at a place called "House of the Seven Gables." This part of information kind of makes me want to learn about how the home survived, and received renovation, and so on because in the book, the home was dilapidated, and lacked what one maay consider ideal living conditionings. At the same time, it makes me kind of not want to read about it because history isn't exactly my favorite thing to learn about. Like in the book, the site is in Salem, Massachusetts. I find it interesting what exactly this home does. It says that The House of the Seven Gables offers programs for CHILDREN. If I recall correctly, the main character of the book's first real customer was a child that was coming back from school. Maybe this could symbolize how a mere child was the first customer she ever had. Maybe this could foreshadow that there will be more children that begin to visits Hipzebah's shop, and this business will help her throughout the future. Since the home has received renovations, I can only guess that somehow business received a form of boost since the home still stands. I find one fact interesting. This simple fact is that Nathaniel Hawthorne was actually the owner. This makes me think that maybe he had to performs jobs similar to Hepzibah or perhaps he showed how perhaps a neighbor could have lived. If this is true though, the hoise may never have been dilapidated, the proof being that it still exists after all these years. I still find it bewildering the author's purpose in writing the story. Why couldn't it be more of a lineage of his own family rather than a completely made up casts that inhabited his his current home

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yo, I'm American

     An American can first be described as an individual who is a resident of the United States of America. Usually you are considered an American as long as you were raised in there. I personally consider anyone who has an American accent, and shares "the American dream" to be an American because I see them as defining characteristics. America, unlike many places, allows its residence to rise in society or fall. The option is solely in the hands of the resident.  Some describe an American as being a person who is a product of various cultures mixing in a "melting pot." This joining signifies a diverse nation that possesses people with various appearances, as well as more complex origins.
        I technically became an American when I was born in America, but as I grew, I adopted more American habits. These habits are little things like the food I eat, the way I talk, the accent in my voice, and the places that I visit. All of these factors made me an American at heart. The American dream is also what makes me an American. Although usually used by non-residents of the U.S, the American dream deals with new opportunities, and a way to make a new life for oneself. For me, a native born citizen, the American dream provides me with benefits. This list includes things like running for president and applying for a job. An American in my full definition is essentially an individual who has been given the opportunity to change their life with their own hands (must be legal).

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Outcast. Society Gone Wrong. (Us vs Them)

         Society is corruption. Corruption is bad. Bad is evil. Evil is Beiber. Beiber is the one and only person to not hit puberty. Well, wait what? Ok back on track. Society can be seen as either corrupt or righteous. These are dependent on who resides within the community, and how it runs overall. In a bright community, technological advances are seen and other positive a factors, such as maybe further diversity or fertility in people, or perhaps the introduction of foeign foods. While a corrupt government or society would have the generally negative ideals. The government may steal from it's citizens and the encouragement of violence are examples. In the long run however, society is always split.
           Division in our society doesn't necessarily mean that the town is against itself (internally). When poeple ultimately decide that something should be changed they protest to get what they see as being right. One not so good example is after eighth when I was with my mexican friends. So basically we split into teams & I am forced to do battle with Miguel Murillo (I'm his best friend at school, but he's like my 3rd best friend). So anyways I was "NOOOOOO," and yeah. Support from outside parties may also intervene to turn the tide of a conflict within a group's favor or make it even more one-sided. My example is Wednesday after school. Me, Gio, Logan/Carlos vs Vivi, Miguel, and Mauricio. Well 1st of all I'm basically the only one that actually plays soccer (Gio plays but isn't good). Everyone on their team plays soccer regularly, so before we started playing I knew we'd lose. So after they're dominating 10-5, BeJohn (Bianca) comes in and makes my team's dilemma even worse so that was a bad day.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Proctor- Hero or Chuckles the Silly Piggy?

         In the play, the Crucible, conflict concerning the belief that various characters are witches causes many problems within the book. One such character is John Proctor. Proctor in essence is one of the few people who hasn't lost their mind when it comes to this time of witch hysteria. Honestly I believe that Proctor is a hero. He may have demonstrated characteristics that may not describe a hero, such as cheating on his wife, but he has the most important quality. That quality happens to be bold and righteous ideals. Although it is typical of a hero to fight bad guys and recite cheesey lines that highlight how evil won't ever prevail, Proctor uses his reasoning and listens to his heart.
         When introduced, Proctor seems like a farmer with a strong distaste towards Parris. Eventually, it is revealed that he had an affair with the niece of Parris, Abigail. Soon, his wife, Elizabeth, is accused by Abigail of being a witch. He and Mary Warren testify that Elizabeth is not a witch and further give information on the topic. Not only does Mary support him (for now), but also Corey and many others. As the story continues, the reasoning behind Abigail's accusations against Elizabeth are revealed to be that she wants to steal Proctor away from Elizabeth because she believes that Proctor loves her. Skipping along, Proctor is later found guilty and would be executed for using "witchcraft" upon Mary and the other girls. Proctor is later given the chance to admit that he was "controlled by the Devil" but he later has a realization that he would lose the last thing that made him who he was. His name. Considering all he had left was his name since he admitted in court to having an affair with Abigail, his reputation went down the drain.
            I deem Proctor a hero because no matter what the authority said he did what he thought was right. I also see Proctor as a hero because he oppose Parris, a selfish individual who is attempting to maintain his power by guiding nonsense of witches around the town.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is madness. No way lil Puritan dude. THIS IS GOD!

         In my opinion, I believe that the reading provided the reader with a somewhat manipulated and controlled sense of mine. My belief stems from the fact that God is said to control the individual. This crucial piece of information makes it seem as though God could be a very cunning and possibly diabolical entity due to the fact that he determines your fate, and he can decide whether to rid you from existence or watch you squirm at his whim. Personally, this idea seems outrageous and unimaginable. The thought of my own fate being determined by one individual seems stressful. What more is that you aren't allowed to disagree. If you choose such a course of action, your life won't be spared with even a second thought.
          The poem also demonstrates how power can change a person, and gives a sense of heirachy in the form of a divinve-being capable of causing unfathomable destruction to the world, such as the creation of tsunamiss and other natural disasters. In many ways, the God may be a kind deity who seeks peace and justice, and is willing to use the strengths thou possesses to carry out their ideals. In all aspects, this thing that matters is who this grand ruler is, and the answer to what they seek. If you can get on their good side, you will be spared.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood

         I recall this one specific occassion in which me along with some friends witnessed an interesting form of neighborhood. We were on 26th street and were preparing to go home. As we slowly walked from the mexican inhabited neighborhood, I began to notice that there were less and less mexicans as we journeyed. At one point, the once hispanic based neighborhood resembled my neighborhood, a black neighborhood. As I made note of this, and asked Mauricio if he noticed, and he respoonded with a knowingly "oh yeah. you're right." As this happened, Kate began to tell stories of how her neighborhood turned from a mostly mexican neighborhood to a more diverse society. Recently, as of 2010, asians have invaded.
        This reminds me of when I went to my old school, Owen. Here, about I want to say 90% of the entire school was black. The rest were basically caucasians, mexicans, and the rare asian (usually only one in the entire school). At a point, some of my mexican friends became racist or at least tended to tell jokes usually involving a race besides mexicans. That reminds me that one of my old friends, Adam was the only white guy in are class, well besides jesus in a way. due to the overwhelming black population, I believe that Adam tried to "act black" to try and earn respect and fit in. Yeah that didnt work to well. haha

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Life.....I guess

My name is Jaleel. My birthday is February 16th. I love to play soccer. I enjoy being random and hanging out with my friends. I like to joke around and create awkward acronyms. I have a majority of different names. I enjoy playing video games and taking long and unnecessary naps. My laziness holds me back from true greatness. I have had 2 cats and a hamster. I'm good at most sports but I prefer to stick with soccer. People think that I should join the track team because I can run and jump really high, but I don't want to because I don't care about all.

I'm actually a very shy person, but I try not to show it. I enjoy making new friends. If I don't talk to you it's either because I don't like you, i don't know you, or I secretly like you. I'm usually in jubilant mood, but I'll get really mad if you purposely try to instigate. Ironically enough, I like to instigate to see how people will react.

If you have a facebook, I'm one of the few people that won't add you if I don't know you. Then again, I've known people, but refused to add them because I don't like them. The hardest thing that I've ever had to do was probably write pages upon pages for biology. People think I'm smart, even though I don't really think so. I was my class's Valedictorian (no big deal). I'm constantly stressed out, whether it be relevant or frivolous.